Cognitive Hypnotherapy Oxford
Getting to the heart of the matter
You might be visiting this website because you’re feeling a bit stuck or finding life difficult. Maybe you’re looking for some change in your life, or have a sense that things could be better in some way. Or perhaps you have an unwanted habit or a limiting phobia or want to lose some weight. I work with a wide range of issues and whatever your problem, Cognitive Hypnotherapy may be able to help.
Here are just some of them:
Confidence and self esteem
Anxiety and panic attacks
Depression and low mood
Fears and phobias
Losing weight
Exam stress
Quitting Smoking
By working with the unconscious as well as the conscious mind, Cognitive Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool for getting to the heart of the matter, and bringing about deep lasting change within. Sometimes just a few sessions can free you from whatever it is that has been holding you back, and set you on the road to a more fulfilled you.
Have a look at this three minute movie – it’s made by the Quest Institute where I trained in Cognitive Hypnotherapy.

‘until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate’
‘there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so’
‘be yourself, everyone else is taken’
‘whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right’
Contact Katie McLennan
If you’d like more information, or wonder how I might help you, call me for a chat (no obligation) on 07527 114 880 or email katie@oxfordhypnotherapist.com. All enquiries will be dealt with in strictest confidence.